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Quick Career Tips

Found by employers communicate directly with hiring managers and recruiters.

3 Tips to Spring Clean Your Resume

Career Advice, Productivity, Skills

You’ve cleaned your closet and donated those old clothes to the Salvation Army, moved furniture around to find about $10...

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Thinking of Changing Careers? Here’s How to Get Started

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By Ford R. Myers President, Career Potential, LLC If you always wanted to be a fighter pilot, but you’ve spent...

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Back To Work After Vacation

Career Advice, Productivity, Skills

Everyone looks forward to vacation — a week or two filled with exploring new cities or relaxing in a hammock...

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    JobsNmedia is a job and recruitment platform provided by Our Media Group to media companies to post their job offer or to search and find employees, and to a media expert to apply for jobs or offer their freelancing services around the world